Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well the memory of last Saturday still looms large in my mind... what a great day to climb Snowdon! I hope the other ascents are as lucky with the weather. Still no aches and pains - I must be fitter than I think! Whilst on Snowdon I had an amazing experience ... peering over precipitous slopes I suddenly realised I was not experiencing my usual life long struggle with heights - in fact I was quite relaxed. My only explanation is that it must be down to the heart medication I now take for blood pressure and heart rate or perhaps its related to coming so close to signing out of this world... I'm just cool about anything!

There are growing numbers who are in training for the Walsall Fun Run (Peter's Heart Challenge Team). I have updated the link for the Fun Run as this now covers the 2006 run. Details are still emerging but they are now offering a 10k and 5k (instead of 6k) and there will also be a 3 mile walk... something for everyone - get training! There is also great interest from people in joining me on the Ascent of Scafell Pike on 15th July. I will post details of arrangements and routes in due course but please contact me so that we are aware of you coming and to ensure you are kept up to date (my email details are in my complete profile).

At this point I want to say a massive thank you to all those who have given their support and best wishes for Peter's 2006 Heart Challenges. I know my experiences have encouraged many of you to get blood pressure, cholesterol check ups and to adapt diet and lifestyle and have deepened awareness of heart disease. Others are using the challenges as a stimulus to meeting their own targets to get fit, loose weight or face challenges they never expected to. Fund - raising has begun and the first donations have begun to roll in to Heart Care. This is marvellous and I really appreciate your giving.

A special thanks to my niece Jayne Hardy who is a very talented actress, singer, producer, director etc. She lives and works in London and has her own 'Dame Jayne' show. Jayne will be performing at the Battersea Barge shortly and has offered to donate some of the proceeds to the 2006 Heart Challenges. Brilliant stuff - thank you. I will post links and pictures later so that if you're in the Big Apple you might like to go along.

My next challenge will actually quite gentle and pleasant The Heart Care Sponsored Walk on the 2nd July. This will take place on Sunday 2nd and comprises a 4 mile walk through countryside, canal towpaths and a poolside walk. It begins at 1130 at the Dilke Pub on the Aldridge Road (next to Calderfields Golf Club between Aldridge and Walsall). Refreshments can be taken along the way and at the end of the walk. I can get sponsor forms for anyone wishes to take part or donations will be welcomed.

The complete list of Peter's 2006 Heart Challenges are detailed in the previous post below.

All of the challenges have sponsor forms if you wish to gain wider support (again just contact me if you need any) and if you would like to make donations then please forward cheques to:

Reg Charity: 1109021

The sponsor forms allow you to request that Heart Care can claim back 28p in every pound if you are UK tax payers - this really adds to your gift. If you forward donation cheques without sponsor forms ensure you give your name, address and state that you are UK tax payers and would like Heart Care to reclaim the tax on your gift.