Sunday, October 01, 2006


After a celebrating a friend's 50th Birthday with a Marrakesh party last night it was hardly the best preparations for a Sunday morning run! However, despite the rain and dark grey clouds I set off with other hardy souls for the fun run. It was a good event and over a course I know well and can run comfortably. What I haven't been able to do yet is get up much speed! I came to the finish line in some 43 minutes! The slow pace is infuriating for me but just the way it is at this stage of recovery and possibly an effect of the medication. I know that had I'd chosen to do the 10k I'd have run at the same pace and would have finished in 90 minutes (I have done this about 4 times over recent months) but I didn't want everyone to have 'shut up shop' by the time I'd arrived at the finishing line. On the positive side my recovery is virtually instant after running and few aches or pains follow. So it's a matter of keeping up the training and rehabilitation with Heart Care investigating my medication and seeing if I can change gear next year.